Sunday, December 11, 2011

Balloons.... is another post about nothing. These are just a few random pics of Mylin that I like.

She makes this face a lot. Mostly when something surprises here.

I just thought she looked so cute one day before church...

I know I've said on here before how much Mylin loves balloons. She still does. I have found the best balloons to get are the dollar store ones because they are only a dollar and they last FOREVER!

I don't know why I love this picture so much. Her face is dirty. She's playing with a bottle of dishwasher cleaning stuff (which by the way, was brand new so it wasn't opened yet! Don't worry, I don't let her play with opened cleaning supplies!) ---But I love it.


  1. All such cute pictures. I'll have to try the balloons with Rivers- I'm sure he'd be very entertained by them. I was just thinking how I really like how you do Mylin's bangs- she is more stylish than me!:)
