Time flies. I seriously can't believe he is already two months old!
Two Months:
Weight: 13 lbs 12 oz ---90%
Height: 24 in ---75%
Head: 15.5 in ---75%
This month Kale went to Disneyland twice. He went to Balboa Island. He went to Arizona and had his blessing (that post to come soon).
Kale is still struggling with the acid reflux (obviously he is still gaining weight, but he throws up all the time and is constantly fussy.) The doctor is having me change my diet to see if it will help him. (I am completely off dairy, which is killing me! I can't have eggs, soy, nuts, spicy food, foods like broccoli...) So hopefully this helps him feel better.
He had his shots yesterday (Mylin had her shots too) and he handled the shots well. After we got home, he fell asleep for a little bit. He woke up and I was feeding him and all of a sudden he started screaming. Like hysterical. I thought after a few minutes he would calm down. Nope. The poor kid screamed hysterical for an hour. I'm not exaggerating. I tried everything I could think of to get him calmed down and nothing worked. After an hour I called Tim at work and I was crying because he had been crying for an hour straight and by this time Mylin was crying because Kale was and I wasn't paying attention to her because I was trying to get him calmed down and ahhh! It was horrible. I finally figured out that running water calmed him down. So, I gave Mylin a bath, which calmed her down, and the running water calmed Kale down, so it was a win-win. Anyways---I have decided Tim is doing the shots next time!---But thanks Tim for bringing me flowers when you came home. It made my day!
Kale sleeps with his eyes open sometimes. Totally creeps me out.
He is still such a snuggly baby.
He is starting to smile and coo. Just a little. It seriously is so awesome when he smiles because he doesn't do it very much!
This picture just makes me laugh. I'm pretty sure I have a picture of Mylin that looks just like this. Minus the extra chin! They definitely have the same lips.