Tim's mom came and helped us for a few days after I had Kale. (Thanks again!) One day about a week after Kale was born I felt like getting out, so we made our way to this park. It has a lake and Mylin likes to feed the ducks, so that's where we went.
This squirrel came right up to Mylin and wanted some of the bread!
Mylin was so funny feeding the ducks! She liked to chase them and for some reason she would chase them all bent over like this.
This picture is out of order. Oops.
Colleen took these pictures while I was helping Mylin with the bread and I think they are so cute!
Mylin was trying to take her shirt off to go swimming in the lake.
This was what Kale did!
Throwing the bread.
Awe, the simple pleasures! You have such darling children Tori! (I guess I should give some of the credit to Tim too:) )