Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Kale!

Well, my little guy is one year old. Sad! I can't believe he is already one! Here are some things about Kale:

 He is such a sweet little boy. 
He loves to snuggle. 
He lights up whenever Mylin comes into the room. 
He is into everything. 
He loves cars and can entertain himself with them for a long time.
He is really good about picking up toys and putting them in the toy baskets. (Even better than Mylin!)
He eats pretty much everything except for kiwi's.
He is adventurous and tries to climb everything (especially at the park).
He still has 6 teeth (four top, two bottom).

At his appointment he measured:
Weight: 22 lbs 12 oz (50%)
Height: 30 1/2 in (50-60%)

He wasn't feeling super great and when we went in for his 12 month appointment, we found out he has double ear infections (which he also had over Christmas) and wheezing in his lungs. So he is on medicine for the ears and has to do a breathing treatment thingy for the wheezing. Poor kid. What a first birthday!

He loves this toy that my mom and dad got him for Christmas. He will stand there forever putting cars down it. 

He already tries to wrestle Mylin!

For his birthday I decorated the house with balloons and streamers and he (and Mylin) were both so excited when they woke up!

 Birthday Breakfast.

We went out for donuts and then to the park on his birthday. He devoured his donut! Then we went to Disneyland after naps. 

We had a great day and we sure love him! Happy Birthday little man!


  1. He is one special little boy!!! What beautiful kids you have!!! I have to say that I have the cutest grandkids in the world!!!!

  2. One already?! Sheesh! He is so darn cute.

  3. He is one handsome little guy! That stinks that he had to be sick on his birthday. It still sounds like it was a good day though with the yummy donuts and Disneyland! That's awesome you get to take your kids there so much. I bet they love it!

  4. Happy Birthday Kale!! You guys have some super cute kids!

  5. He is so very handsome! I'm jealous, I want to go to Disneyland!
