Mylin just seems to be changing and growing so much lately so I thought I would do a little post about her.
She has such a funny personality and it's really starting to come out.
One of her new favorite words is "Ewwww!" She says that about everything. When I'm changing a diaper---When there is water on the counter - When she sees a bug. It's pretty funny.
Another thing that she says all the time right now is "I'm sleeping." But only when she doesn't want to do something. I tried to get her into the bath and she laid down on the ground and said, "No bath. I sleeping." It's her go-to excuse. That, or "I'm eating." Her excuses are quite funny.
But her number one favorite phrase? "I do it." Ugh. Drives me crazy! I'm glad she wants to be independent but it sure does make EVERYTHING take longer!
She loves milk and is a super picky eater. She loves Baby Einstein. I have to sing the Rocketship song to her every night. At least 3 times. Also, her favorite book is still Goodnight Moon. That's a must read every night.
Anyways...she really likes to help me in the kitchen. Kale likes to hang out there too.
She loves to do puzzles and play with her magnetic dress-up doll.
More cooking.
I let her mix whatever she wanted when I was making rolls one day. She would just grab something from the spice cabinet and mix it in. I think her mix had parsley, cinnamon, sugar, garlic salt, and who knows what else.
She loves tea parties. Mylin, Kale, Cinderella, Minnie Mouse and I were all invited! We had Cheerios, kiwi, bananas, and water. We had a great time until Kale pulled the blanket and knocked over the water all over everything and then Mylin threw the food across the room. But it was fun while it lasted!
We have a little blow-up pool on our back patio and she loves to swim out there.
She just realized she can see herself in the faucet when she takes a bath and she will sit there and make the funniest faces. It entertains us both!
Mylin also started a little gymnastics class. She LOVES it! The first time on the balance beam she walked across perfectly and Tim and I were so proud--future Olympian for sure. But sadly after that she couldn't walk across it without falling! She's getting the hang of it a little better every class.
She had so much fun doing the flips and handstand stuff.
The biggest change lately for Mylin is that she is now in her big girl bed! She did okay with the change at first. Now it is just ridiculous. We decided to put her in her big bed because she was always climbing out of her crib. Now as soon as she goes down for a nap or bed, she just pops right back up and walks out of her room. Sooo, she's had like 2 naps in the last two weeks. I'm going crazy. She's a grouch. Not fun. Last night we put her to bed and for an hour she kept coming out. As soon as we put her in and closed the door, she was out of bed again. It's getting so frustrating. If you guys have any tips of keeping her in her new bed, please please please let me know!
Also----We are redecorating her room to go with her new bedding. Hopefully I can get it together soon and then I'll take some pictures. Kale's nursery is finally (Almost) done.
This picture doesn't do her justice. You cant see that she has two pairs of underwear on over her pants! Anyways...she's a fun girl and we love her!