Today is my baby girl's second birthday. I can't believe she is already two! Time seriously flies. We just love her so much and are so grateful she is part of our family. She has sooo much spunk and attitude and definitely keeps me on my toes.
I wanted to write a few things about what Mylin is like at this age:
She is a dare-devil. She is honestly not scared of anything. She will run straight into the ocean, climb anything, jump off anything...You really can't take your eyes off of her.
She loves Kale. She always gives him kisses and hugs and asks for him the second she wakes up. She gets very concerned when he cries. She will yell, "Kale crying Kale crying!"
She also likes to sit on him...We're working on that.
She loves the park--swings are her favorite.
She loves toothpaste and will eat it unless it's hidden. We can't leave it on the counter or in the drawers because she will get to it. Our toothpaste now stays on top of our dresser!
She doesn't talk very much.
Her favorite color is pink. She asks to wear pink clothes everyday. She is just drawn to everything pink. On Monday she was running around and tripped and scraped the side of her face on the house (which is stucco). It was bleeding pretty bad and she was crying hard and we took her into the bathroom to clean her up. Immediately she stopped crying and she started rubbing all of the blood all excited saying "Pink Pink PINK!"...So I guess loving the color pink is helpful in some ways!
She is great at somersaults. She does them all day!
This was taken the day before I had Kale.
Mylin loves doing activities---She doesn't really like to color, but she really likes to paint. She will always paint her hands and feet and do handprints and footprints.
She loves to read! Yay! It makes me so happy that she likes books. She especially likes to take her books into the tent her Aunt Chelsee and Uncle Daniel got her for Christmas.
Pretty much the second Tim gets home from work, Mylin climbs on his back for "Horsie". She loves riding around on his back!
Okay....baths may be her very favorite thing ever. She usually takes 2 baths a day and will take off all of her clothes and hop into the bath and ask for a bath about 5 times a day!
She especially loves bubble baths!
I know I'm prejudice because I'm her mom, but seriously...she is so pretty! Look at those eyes and lips!
She loves Minnie Mouse. This is her number one favorite toy. She will have a complete meltdown if she can't find her. Minnie goes everywhere with her.
Her favorite book right now...The Human Body. I don't know why. So we are reading to her about brains and digestive systems! She also likes Fancy Nancy and Good Night Moon.
Anyways...I know this is long, but there are so many things I want to remember about her at this age!
Happy Birthday Mylin!