We had a great Christmas this year. We went to Arizona and were able to see all of our siblings and their families, which was great. Being in California, we don't get to see everyone very much, so it was nice to be around family. Although...for future reference, I don't think I will be traveling that far again when I am that far pregnant! It wore me out! Anyways, we had a wonderful time. We went sledding (pics of that to come later), played in the snow, went bowling, went and saw 2 movies (Which is huge. I've been to like two movies since
Mylin's been born!), played lots of games, and ate lots of food. Here are a few pics of our time in AZ. I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, but I was too tired to whip my camera out a lot!
This was like the only picture I got of Mylin on Christmas morning. I didn't even get one picture of her opening anything. I think she was really overwhelmed by everything. There were 16 people staying at my parents house, so it was a crazy Christmas morning! She opened her presents in her stocking (she loved the sunglasses!) and then pretty much just cried! We were like begging her to open presents and she wouldn't. She finally just wandered off and ended up opening her presents later!
After church--trying to get a family picture.
Banging on Spencer's drums---with a little help from Cinderella! She loved his drums!
Our annual gingerbread (graham cracker) house contest. My sister won. Again. Like 5 years in a row. But that's only because I didn't get to finish mine this year! Mylin walked by and grabbed Koy's house and smashed it...and then ate it! So his house was ruined. So he got to finish my house. Maybe next year someone else will win!
My mom bought some little princess dress-up outfits for the girls to play with and they were in Heaven. They slept in them and Mylin wanted one on at all times!
Having fun with the cousins!
What a fun Christmas! We got Celise the baby Belle doll like Mylin's Cinderella and that's all the "princess" she's been exposed too. I haven't introduced dress-up to her yet. Is it a downward spiral or not so bad?