I should have posted this a long time ago, but for some reason, I just felt like keeping it in for a while. But we are sooo excited to say that we are having a little boy coming this Valentine's Day! We found out at 13 weeks that it was 95% chance that it was a boy, so we are counting on that! We have another ultrasound on Monday and I'll be 21 weeks, so we will find out for sure if he is still a boy! (With Mylin we found out at 12 weeks that she was a girl and that doc was right, so hopefully this one is right too!)
Things have been going pretty well. I was pretty sick for those first few months, but luckily the worst is behind me. I've been super tired lately, but most pregnant ladies are! I do have that weird placenta thing again, like I had with Mylin. It is pretty uncommon (only 1-2% of pregnancies have it) and Mylin's doctor told me the likelihood of me having it again was like 0%. He pretty much said I would never have it again. So, of course I have it again! But it's good. I just get to see the doctor a lot and get lots of 3d pictures! There is concern about the baby not growing and emergency c-sections and preterm labor and all that, but they monitor me pretty well, so hopefully everything will go smoothly.
Sorry for the poor quality on this pic. I thought I had digital copies of this, but I only have videos of the entire ultrasound...Not too exciting! But I'll be getting some more 3d ones on Monday, so I'll share those.
Anyways...this post is kinda all over the place, but we are super excited about this new adventure.