One more month and she will be one! I can't even believe it.
Mylin is such a sweet baby and has such a cute personality. (Although...she can destroy a clean house in like .5 seconds!)
I decided to take a few pictures of things she likes...
She loves playing with the guitar. It's in our bedroom and I usually keep that door closed, but she as soon as she sees that door open, she sneaks in and heads straight for the guitar. She will just strum it and laugh at the noise she makes!
She likes to close doors. However, when after she closes the door she starts freaking out because she can't get out!
Mylin loves her little walker thing. It folds into a car thing that we can push and she has fun with that. She will push the walker SOOO fast until she runs into something.
One of the things Mylin loves most right now are the balloons she gets from our grocery store! We shop at Ralph's and they almost always give her a red balloon whenever we go. We went yesterday and she was dying laughing whenever she saw the balloon. She will take the balloon with her everywhere! She will start crying if she can't take it in the car. She likes to have it near her when she eats. She will crawl and walk with it. It is pretty hilarious how much she loves these balloons!
And just a few more pictures. Just in case you haven't had enough yet!