Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Joys of Having A Big Sister

Kale had jaundice pretty bad after he got home, so the doctor sent over the jaundice biliruben light machine thing. He had to be on the lights for four days "all day except when feeding". (And when I felt like he just needed some time off to be snuggled!) He had to go get blood work done three days in a row. It is the saddest thing when they have to take blood from their arms. We had to do that with Mylin too, and it is not fun. He also had to get blood work done to check his Carnitine levels (to check for that weird deficiency I have and Mylin had). I also had to get a urine sample from him to get tested. Which experience! Thankfully Tim's mom was here to help me with that! Anyways...Kale's first few days home were pretty crazy, but luckily he had his big sister to take care of him!

(The blue glowing underneath him is from the lights)

I was in the other room and came back and Mylin had put her blanket on him (she does not like to share her blanket!) and had pushed a chair next to him and was pushing him in the swing. It was seriously the cutest thing ever!

The big sister!
The lights...
Mylin made sure he wasn't alone with the lights.

Seriously every time I turned around, there was another toy in with him and the lights! We put Kale in the swing with the lights because he seemed to like it there the best. He was not a fan of the lights at first.

Even when he's napping, Mylin doesn't want him to be alone! I guess sleeping with dolls is what happens when you have a big sister!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kale Timothy Nicoll---2/7/12

He's here! Kale Timothy was born on Tuesday February 7th at 10:53 AM. He weighed in at a petite 9 lbs 6 oz! I knew he was gonna be a big baby, but I didn't think he would be that big! He was 20 inches long. The doctor induced me a week early and I was so grateful he did. He said that if we hadn't induced, he would have easily been a 10 pound baby! We went in to be induced at 1:30 Tuesday morning. Yeah, it's a horrible time. I didn't sleep at all before going in because I was starting to freak out, so I was already tired going to the hospital. I won't give you all the birth details (Although I know some of my friends want to know the whole story! If you do, let me know!) but everything went pretty well. The doc said afterwards that he probably should have done a C-Section, but all in all, everything went well. It was a bit easier than with Mylin, being that I only had to push for like 15 minutes instead of hours!

Mylin was excited to see the baby, but as soon as she saw me hold him, her little lip stuck out and she started bawling. Bad. It broke my heart! Then she same and sat by me on the bed and was like hysterically crying. I finally got her calmed down and then Kale started crying. Then I got him calmed and Mylin started crying again and then I realized I was already overwhelmed with two kids! But after a while, Mylin really started to love Kale. She didn't want anyone else (like my mom or the nurses) to hold Kale.

First bath.

Thankfully my momma was here to help us. She came a few days before I had Kale and stayed a week. We seriously could not have made it through that week without her! It was such a blessing to know Mylin was in good hands while we were at the hospital. (It was the first time I had ever left Mylin over night.) So thank you mom for all the help!! Tim's mom is here this week and has also been a huge help. YAY for grandmas! You both are awesome!

Our first family of four picture. Mylin loves pointing out his toes, eyes, nose, etc...

He looks just like Mylin when he cries!

On the ride home from the hospital.

Kale had some presents for Mylin for when we got home from the hospital. (The first few days being home were so hard. Mylin was having a reallllly hard time adjusting and that meant a ton of tantrums and crying and screaming...but we are doing better everyday!)
She was so excited for her Tangled presents! A Rapunzel doll and dress.

Well....I have a lot more pictures to post and hopefully I will get those up soon--but you never know. This two kids thing is kinda hard! But it is so great at the same time. We love our new little man.