For Thanksgiving this year, Tim's parents, his two brothers and their families came and stayed with us. We had a house full, but it was super fun! I think there were 15 of us! It was fun to see all these little ones.
This is like the only group picture I took. This was our Thanksgiving meal. I was pretty pleased with how everything turned out. Mylin missed Thanksgiving dinner though! She was napping and I didn't want to wake her up to eat. But we saved her some food!
We went to the beach a few times, but I never took my camera. I need to get a little point and shoot camera for the beach because I hate taking my nice one there. It is really hard to keep the sand out of it. day we went to Balboa Island. It's just this little island thing with fun shops and restaurants. You take a little ferry to get there, which the kids loved. This is on the ferry.
Mylin rode the Ferris Wheel for the first time. I couldn't tell if she liked it or if she was scared.
For those asking to see my ya go. Getting huge!
Also---Chelsee took way more pictures than I did, so if you want to see more, go check out her blog!
Thanks for coming everyone!
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